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No. FileName Title Size Folder DL Modified Date Genre Restriction
1 rub_stomach.htm 胃を擦る 980 B   3910 2014-05-24 2D  
2 Intestine_test.htm 腸っぽい何か 2396 B   2567 2014-05-10 2D E  
3 Peristalsis_Beta.htm 食道の蠕動(大体再現?) 2180 B   2189 2014-04-28 2D E  
4 InternalStomachSample.htm VS巨大娘から、胃のシーン抜粋 3174 B   3577 2014-04-28 2D D  
5 peristalsis_movie_alpha.avi 食道の蠕動っぽいの試作(黒歴史) 357 kB   2570 2014-04-13 2D  
6 Ver003.htm Ver0.03 更新内容 881 B   2317 2014-04-11 2D D E  
7 Ver002.htm Ver0.02 更新内容 550 B   1565 2014-04-10 2D D E  
8 Download.htm 試作ゲームDL先   1056 B   2202 2014-04-11 2D D E C
9 sample_SS.png 試作ゲーム紹介SS 495 kB   13077 2014-04-09 2D E  
[ 1 - 9 / 9 ]
No. ThreadTitle Number of Articles Folder Modified Date Genre Restriction
1 ゲームの感想・バグ・不満・要望・雑談など何でも 51   2014-05-25 2D D E L S
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